Improving Outcomes. Empowering Change.

home52 is a new name around town, but the people behind home52 have been working to support the needs of older adults, people with disabilities and caregivers in our community for more than 50 years. You know and trust these people as Council on Aging (COA). Leveraging more than 50 years of experience, we're experts at helping individuals, families and caregivers manage complex medical and long-term care needs. 

Programs & Services

Introducing home52 Transportation

Learn about this innovative new service that will transform the way older adults and people with disabilities access on-demand and advance-scheduled transportation services in our region.

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AddnAide: Caregivers Needed

AddnAide connects older adults who need care with people in our community who are willing to provide it. Caregivers set their own schedules, choose the type of care they are able to provide and get paid through publicly funded in-home care programs. Learn more and sign up!

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